Senior Ministry
Young at Heart
Our mission is to help meet the challenges and emotional needs of aging through fellowship, discipleship and service to each other and our community.
My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever.
Psalm 73:26 (NLT)
What Young at Heart does....
If you are 60 years of age or plus, check out these fun events and opportunities for spiritual growth along with service with and to others.
Note: Some of the listed items are still in the planning stages.
Fellowship Events
Day trips
Service Opportunities
Visitations/calls to shut-ins
Crisis Buddies
Foster Grandparenting
Bible studies - studies to help navigate aging​
And more!
To find out more or to register for current Young at Heart events, click here to go to LAC's events page.
Senior Resources
Living for Purpose in a Worn-Out Body, Missy Buchanan
Aging Faithfully, Alice Fryling
Divine Disruption: Holding on to Faith When Life Breaks Your Heart, Dr. Tony Evans
A Grace Disguised: How the Soul Grows through Loss, Jerry Sittser
Hope for the Heart Series, June Hunt
10 Gospel Promises for Later Life, Jane Marie Thibault
AfterWork: An Honest discussion about the Retirement Lie and How to Live a Future Worthy of Dreams, Joel Malick, Alex Lippert, Dean Merrill