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Missions at LAC

The Lewisburg Alliance Church is part of the Christian and Missionary Alliance denomination.  As our denomination’s name suggests, Missions are one of our priorities. We take our direction from Matthew 28:19 ,“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”.


All in the church family strive to do this together. The Alliance church family partners and stands with International Workers (IWs) who are proclaiming the gospel among vulnerable, overlooked, and displaced peoples all over the world. The church’s small group ministry is deeply involved in supporting our International Workers, Each of LAC’s small groups are paired with a specific Alliance IW with whom they interact to develop personal relationships.

Oversight of the Missionary activities within LAC is the responsibility of our
active Mission Team. The Mission Team meets monthly on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM. The Team supports our International Workers (IWs) through prayer and discussion of new opportunities for mission outreach. Currently LAC, through the Great Commission Fund (GCF) of the Alliance Church, provides financial support to IWs and their families in over 15 countries around the world. The Mission Team welcomes new members at any time!

Each month one of the International Workers is designated the “Mission of the Month” and their work is highlighted during a Sunday morning service in that month. Once each year a Sunday is designated as Mission Conference Sunday. On this day Missions is the theme of the entire worship service. Following the service attendees will have the opportunity to visit displays that the small groups have prepared on the location and work of their IW.

Additionally the Mission Team identifies and manages opportunities for Short Term Mission Trips (STMTs), typically to locations where one of our IWs serve. The Mission Team administers LAC‘s budget for funding STMTs. LAC partially funds the cost of STMTs for any member of the congregation with the balance to be provided or solicited by the trip participants.

Questions about the LAC Missions programs can be addressed to any staff member or member of the Missions Team.

LAC Missions Events - Past and Future

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